KitCAD i3 KGC rX lt

Uploaded and Released KitCAD i3 KGC rX lt; a version without the need of PHP or CGI/PL files to reload or save KP2 files. Files are saved and reloaded by end-user text copy/paste methods where upon the end-user is responsible for storage of information within a end-user managed filing format of their choosing (such as an open office writer document or simple text file).

To access downloads, see comment/s.

The only difference from other versions of rX is that the lt version (The initials of ‘lt‘ being a shortened reference of the word light) has the following code block inserted at start of the _r5en.js file to alter the interface as required.

The code above exploits the rX interface features and alters the display to suit the required experience (text only save and loading of KP2 files for example). The features exploited are Online/Offline mode detection, and protocol file: detection. The end-user interaction is set to generate and reload text-only KP2 files by default and upon use of features that require online and protocol http: are given temporary values which allow their function to run to completion (as rX versions and without being in ‘lt’ text-only mode).

5 Responses to “KitCAD i3 KGC rX lt”

  1. Admin Says:

    –ARCHIVE DOWNLOAD– (Any) : KitCADi3KGCrXlt.7z (Any) :
    [ DOWNLOAD LINK zip 3.2Mb | 7z 2.1Mb ]


    [ DOWNLOAD LINK zip 3.2Mb | 7z 2.1Mb ]


    [ DOWNLOAD LINK zip 4.5Mb | 7z 3.2Mb ]

    KitCADi3KGCrXlt_NGINX.tar.gz (Linux) :
    [ DOWNLOAD LINK tar.gz 4.0Mb ]



    For current and other systems/versions/downloads; see KitCAD i3 KGC rX release notice for more information.

  2. Admin Says:

    Pending Update/s notices (31 August 2017)

  3. Admin Says:

    Uploads listed above have been updated, release notice. Future updates will not appear listed here unless they only effect the ‘lt’ version/s.

  4. Admin Says:

    Uploads listed above have been updated, release notice. Future updates will not appear listed here unless they only effect the ‘lt’ version/s.

  5. Admin Says:

    Adobe Flash Player is being retired, see notice for more information and update archive downloads

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