VRML supports the following navigation modes may be possible:
- Examine
- Walk
- Fly
- Look-at
- Look-around
- Game
"r" key- View Reset
"a" key - View all
"u" key - View Upright
"d" key - View/Hide debug
Pressing the "e" key enables
Examine mode.
Rotate - Mouse Button Left / Left + Shift
Pan - Mouse Button Mid / Left + Ctrl
Zoom - Mouse Button Right / Wheel / Left + Alt
To Set center of rotation Double-click left Mouse Button, the drawing will then rotate around that point.
To Zoom - Click Right mouse button and hold it down, at the same time drag on the X3DOM viewing area to Zoom in or out; moving towards the centre will Zoom-in, moving away from the centre will Zoom-out.
Pressing the "w" key enables
Walk mode.
Move forward - Mouse Button Left
Move backward - Mouse Button Right
Pressing the "f" key enables
fly mode.
Move forward - Mouse Button Left
Move backward - Mouse Button Right
Pressing the "h" key enables
Helicopter mode.
To look downwards/upwards and to move higher/lower use the keys (8/9 and 6/7).
Move forward - Mouse Button Left
Look at
Pressing the "l" key enables
Look at mode.
Move in - Mouse Button Left
Move out - Mouse Button Right
Pressing the "g" key enables
Game mode.
To rotate view move the mouse.
Move forward - up
Move backward - down
Slide Left - left
Slide Right - right
Installing a VRML Plug-in or VRML Browser
Internet Explorer 6 users, or other webpage Browsers can install support for playing/viewing VRML file mime types.
For more information and links about installing VRML support please see
VRML Plug-in, Setup help document.