X3DOM supports the following navigation modes: "r" key- View Reset
"a" key - View all
"u" key - View Upright
"d" key - View/Hide debug


Pressing the "e" key enables Examine mode.
Rotate - Mouse Button Left / Left + Shift
Pan - Mouse Button Mid / Left + Ctrl
Zoom - Mouse Button Right / Wheel / Left + Alt

To Set center of rotation Double-click left Mouse Button, the drawing will then rotate around that point.

To Zoom - Click Right mouse button and hold it down, at the same time drag on the X3DOM viewing area to Zoom in or out; moving towards the centre will Zoom-in, moving away from the centre will Zoom-out.


Pressing the "w" key enables Walk mode.
Move forward - Mouse Button Left
Move backward - Mouse Button Right


Pressing the "f" key enables fly mode.
Move forward - Mouse Button Left
Move backward - Mouse Button Right


Pressing the "h" key enables Helicopter mode.
To look downwards/upwards and to move higher/lower use the keys (8/9 and 6/7).
Move forward - Mouse Button Left

Look at

Pressing the "l" key enables Look at mode.
Move in - Mouse Button Left
Move out - Mouse Button Right


Pressing the "g" key enables Game mode.
To rotate view move the mouse.
Move forward - up
Move backward - down
Slide Left - left
Slide Right - right

Mid-Button troubleshooting

If the web page has scroll bars and autoscrolling is enabled, Mid-Button currently does not work correctly. As a workaround, you can disable autoscrolling by unchecking the Use autoscrolling checkbox in the Firefox browser options, as is shown in the screenshot below (for the Firefox case).
Firefox Advanced General settings menu

Mozilla Firefox Notes

Firefox 14/15/16 webpage browser users {before version 34.0} will need to enter the URL of about:config - and answer Ok when prompted. Then change the setting of webgl.force-enabled from false to be true.

Internet Explorer Notes

SWF support is required; Users may need to install a SWF file support plugin from Adobe.com


KitCAD i3 KGC r5 help - link
VRML navigation functions - link

Extra Information

X3DOM.org webpage browser support and help documents - link
Webpage Browser support test with www.x3dom.org/check - link
Webpage Browser support test with get.webgl.org - link