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KitCAD2.exe | Kp2glu32.exe |
This page is to aid user in viewing of the WRL, X3DV or SVG file type MIME extensions created by KitCAD. Simply install a single 3rd party plugin for the required file format, as directed below to view such file types.

KitCADi3 -> vrml/x3dv
KitCAD2 kp2 -> wrl/vrml97
VRML97 - Virtual Reality Modeling Language; A Web Browser Plug-in file format for drawing 3D within a Web Browser or Web Browser Plug-in.
There are many browsers and plug-ins for existing web browsers, for WRL please download a WRL viewer, and with X3DV it's suggested users aquire software provided by xj3d.org
KitCADi3 and KitCAD2 kp2vrml97.exe both include support to generate X3D and VRML file formats for online and offline 3D rendering that is viewed using a 3rd party application interface.
Users pressing KitCAD buttons for VRML/X3D are prompted with a web page or Open with dialog.
For a complete list of Plug-in, web browsers, or download requied to view the KitCAD2 or KitCADi3 render functions can be seen at the following
The kp2vrml97.exe and vrml2kp2.exe programs are an addon for KitCAD i3 that can be downloaded by the following link for KitCAD2
File Conversions to other 3D file formats; Or by Installing the full KitCAD 2 software package.
See the included 'readme.html' file for other information about kp2vrml97.exe (START|Programs|Kitchen|VRML|readme.html)
To view VRML files users will require a web browser Plug-In capable of rendering content in 3D.
Download and Install a plugin or viewer to open WRL/VRML files:
- Cortona3D viewer by Cortona3D, ParallelGraphics (for Windows 2K, XP, Vista) *
- InstantPlayer by InstantReality.org (for Windows 2K, XP, Vista, linux, and Max OS/X) *
- Contacts by BitManagement (for Windows)
- Contact by Blaxxun (for Windows)
- MyRIAD 3D Reader by InfoGraph (for Windows)
- Octaga Player by Octaga (for Windows, linux, and Mac OS/X)
- OpenVRML by OpenVRML (for Windows, linux, and Mac OS/X)
- View 3D Scene by VRML Engine (for Windows, linux, and Mac OS/X)
- Cosmo by CA (for Windows95/NT)
- Java Application, Toolkit by Xj3D.org (for Sun Java) *
- Java Browser, FreeWRL by CRC.ca (for Windows/Unix/Linux and Mac OS/X)
- Java Tools, Chisel HVRC by Trapezium (for Windows, Unix, Linux, and Mac OS/X)
* Denotes that KitCAD2.exe, and kp2vrml97.exe work best with; Its recomended most users install this software.
It should be noted that 3D VRML can be converted to X3DV formats for more advanced users using other converters for VRML file formats.
X3D users have 3 formats of file - Classic VRML 3.0, XML X3D, and Binary X3D. When Xj3D loads a non-X3DV file as WRL VRML the application pre-converts the file into X3DV (Classic VRML) within a XML X3D framework for rendering - see help provided with Xj3D.
The picture above was generated using kp2vrml97.exe and a web browser plugin.
The KitCAD2 vrml2glu32.exe, kp2glu32.exe and KitCAD1 render.exe software programs are designed only to create solid texture colour drawings.
For Best results use a VRML / Xj3D M9 webbrowser*, plugin, or application for rendering texture images to drawn shapes (set colors of shapes) - links above..
* Note: Advanced Win95 users should install Xj3D M9, other versions may fail to install on Win95 machines. VRML compliant webbrowser plug-ins may be used by default of 'wrl'. Most X3D webbrowser plug-ins support WRL or X3DV file mine extensions.

KitCAD2 kp2 -> svg/dxf
SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics; A Web Browser Plug-in file format for drawing 2D within a Web Browser or Web Browser Plug-in.
There are many browsers and plug-ins for existing web browsers, for SGV please download a SVG plugin viewer or web browser
The kp2svg.exe and svg2kp2.exe programs are an addon for KitCAD i3 that can be downloaded by the following link for KitCAD2
File Conversions to other 2D file formats; Or by Installing the full KitCAD 2 software package.
See the included 'readme.html' file for other information (START|Programs|Kitchen|SVG|readme.html)
To view SVG files users will require a web browser Plug-In capable of rendering content in 2D.
Download and Install a plugin or web browser to open SVG files:
* Denotes that KitCAD2.exe, and kp2svg.exe work best with; Its recomended most users install this software.
It should be noted that 2D SVG can be converted to from DXF formats using DXF/DWG tools for more advanced CAD users using other converters for SVG file formats. The picture above was generated using kp2svg.exe and a web browser plugin.
How to enable KitCAD2.exe to use add-ons
Start KitCAD2.exe, Right click on the Plan-View, and then Select the required rendering option from the
The out-put is then dependant on settings from a VRML97 or SVG viewer application; including OpenGL or DirectX support.
NOTE : KitCAD2.exe, new_drawing.exe, and Other KitCAD downloads include support for additional addons not listed here.
Please see extra installed Readme files from links above which include a full list of help, or Web Browser Plug-Ins for VRML and SVG file formats.
VRML and VRML97 are file formats and standards of www.W3.org project named www.Web3D.org
Xj3D are file format standards of www.Web3D.org project named Xj3D
j3D and jogl are JAVA files produced by Sun Micro Systems for 3D JAVA content.
SVG 1.0, and SVG 1.1 are file formats and standards of www.W3.org project named SVG
SGI®, Silicon Graphics®, and OpenGL are registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
nist, and NIST Laboratories are markings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA.
w3c, and w3 are marks and brand names of the Web Consortium www.W3.org
Apache, and Batik Squiggle are marks and brand names of the Apache Foundation www.Apache.org
OpenVRML is a mark and brand name of OpenVRML.org
Parallel Graphics®, and Cortona are trademarks and brand names of Parallel Graphics.
Cortona3D, and Cortona 3D viewer are trademarks and brand names of Cortona3D.
Apple®, and Apple Safari are trademarks and brand names of Apple, Inc.
Google®, and Google Chrome are trademarks and brand names of Google.
Adobe®, and Adobe® SVG Viewer are trademarks and brand names of Adobe Systems, Inc.
Octaga® and Octaga Player are trademarks and brand names of Octaga AG.
Vivaty Studio, Media Machines and Flux Player are trademarks and brand names of Media Machines / Vivaty Inc.
Bit-Management and Contacts are trademarks and brand names of Bit Management.
Blaxxun and Contact are trademarks and brand names of Blaxxum.
MyRIAD®, Modelviewer, InfoGraph® are trademarks and brand names of Informative Graphics Corporation.
AutoCAD®, and AutoDesk® are trademarks and brand names of AutoDesk.
InstantPlayer, and instantreality are markings and brand names of InstantReality.org as copyrighted by Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
Java®, and Sun Micro Systems® are registered trademarks of Sun Micro Systems.
DirectX®, Windows®, NT®, and Microsoft® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
NetScape JavaScript® is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications.
Mozilla?, FireFox® is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Project.
CExplorer object is a product of GalaSoft Laurent Bugnion.
Other names, products, and trademarks are properties of their respective owners.
Please note: Hyperlinks above may not be current - or may of changed, and are as-is for historic reference
2004-2014, all rights reserved.
Updated on the 2nd of August, 2012.