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Remove Program Applications

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Icon Remove

To remove all offline Program Software Application/s listed; follow the steps outlined for the specific version/operating system.

The Windows Start button, Kitchen folder - KitCAD, un-Installer Icon, and Software application removal process

For all versions of KitCAD i3 KGC, a icon un-Installer method is included to begin the software uninstall process; The un-Installer icon to begin the process can be located using the Windows Start button,
then Navigating to the required KitCAD i3 KGC versions folder, and selecting the appropate un-Installer icon as required.

KitCAD i3 KGC rX

Read all of the following instruction before use.

UnInstalling the update/modify/setup installers for KitCAD i3 KGC rX.
Start | All Programs | Kitchen | KitCADi3rX | Install | UnInstall KitCAD i3 KGC rX icon.

Selecting the InstallAware created UnInstall KitCAD i3 KGC rX icon (above) will remove - Check for Updates, v3 Installer, v1 Installer, and XAMPP Update Installer
Removing the update/modify/setup installers will not affect any installed KitCAD i3 KGC rX software packages.

UnInstall for KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v3.0), and KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v1.0).
Start | All Programs | Kitchen | KitCAD i3 rX | UnInstall | v3.0 | UnInstall icon.
Start | All Programs | Kitchen | KitCAD i3 rX | UnInstall | v1.0 | UnInstall icon.

Selecting the InnoSetup created UnInstall icon (above) will remove - KitCAD i3 rX, license-readme, config, exe; Same instruction applies for both v3.0 and v1.0.
UnInstalling v3.0 or v1.0 will require the removal of both v3.0 and v1.0.

UnInstall KitCAD i3 KGC rX for XAMPP.
Start | All Programs | Kitchen | KitCAD i3 rX | UnInstall | XAMPP | UnInstall icon.

Selecting the InnoSetup created UnInstall icon (above) will remove - C:\XAMPP\ removed updated files only

Only files that have been installed will be removed. Uninstalling updating versions may affect or break current KitCAD i3 KGC installs, it is recomended to re-install KitCAD i3 KGC versions in correct installing order, if required.

Delete cache, history, and other browser data; See the uninstall Web Application and reset Web Browser cache document for instructions to remove downloaded Web Application and reset Web Browser cache.

The modified guiclient*.exe examples included with KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v3.0) or KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v1.0) may leave cache data stored; Administrators and Advanced users may run the C:\Program Files\Kitchen\KitCADi3rX\clear-cache.bat or C:\Program Files (x86)\Kitchen\KitCADi3rX\clear-cache.bat as required. The MSDos batch script of clear-cache.bat will remove stored data cache, and should be run by Administrators or Advanced users before the UnInstalling of KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v3.0) or KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v1.0) software packages.

Windows Control Panel

Remove Programs using Windows Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs; Each program will have an included icon un-installer that is accessable by the Start Button menu.

Each program and any updates can also be fully removed using the Windows Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs icon; And as described below.

The modified guiclient*.exe examples included with KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v3.0) or KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v1.0) may leave cache data stored; Administrators and Advanced users may run the C:\Program Files\Kitchen\KitCADi3rX\clear-cache.bat or C:\Program Files (x86)\Kitchen\KitCADi3rX\clear-cache.bat as required. The MSDos batch script of clear-cache.bat will remove stored data cache, and should be run by Administrators or Advanced users before the UnInstalling of KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v3.0) or KitCAD i3 KGC rX (v1.0) software packages.

Windows 7 / Vista Users - See for more information.

XP Users - See for more information.

Extra Information

Removing Programs may also be achieved by using the Programs Setup/Installer.

XP Users - See to manually alter Program listings using the Registry Editor.

Digital signature removal

Instructions for UnInstalling Digital Certificates [] {Optional}.

language - help support;

Please note that English is the default language, with option only for online users to translate help text {using online web translation services}

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